30 September 2005

Friday bird blog

British Goose:
Goose stepping is for geese

Chumley was an employee of the Crystal Palace zoo in London in the 1960s. The caption says, "Chumley goose at London's Crystal Palace zoo soaks its feet in pan of water after a long day of "goose stepping."
Chumley's main mode of transportation, namely flying, most assuredly had been modified. No self-respecting goose would ground himself voluntarily, so zoo officials undoubtedly clipped his wings. Chumley's recompense - fleeting fame and a foot bath.


StealthBadger said...

The far-sighted keepers of our zoo have dealt themselves yet another royal flush in the revamped bankruptcy bill which will allow utility companies to shut off services of bankruptcy filers.

Okay, will someone tell me when we're no longer the tinfoil-hat crowd for making parallels to Dickens?

Administrator said...

We're getting closer to the Victorians every day. Victorians with nukes - what an image.